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Manuscript MAP 20401

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MAP 20401 Read manuscript
Patiṉaintāṉāḷ uyitta kāṇṭam, Nālumantirikatai, Mutalāva(ru)tu patmāvatikkatai, Muṉṟāvatu piṟāmaṇappiḷḷaikkatai, Ṉālāvatu ñāṉakatai [Vētāḷakkatai]
Stories related with the Mahābhārata epic; vampire tales related with Vetālapañcaviṃśatikā collection
19th-20th century
Several sections of the manuscript can be distinguished:
1. Folios numbered 4-7, 9-12, 14-47 on the left margin, theme related to the epic Mahābhārata.
2. 47 folios, numbers 2-47 on the left margins, folio 1 without a number - title page), folios 1-43 with a piḷḷaiyārcuḻi sign. Title on the first folio (left margin): Patiṉaintāṉāḷ uyitta kāṇṭam (“The Chapter That Tells About the 15th Day”); invocation to the god Shiva (civayamayam) next to the title. The text opens with a story thematically related to the epic Mahābhārata, the fragment begins with a sentence introducing an account of the sage Sanjaya (Cañcaiya makāmuṉi) presented to the king Dhritarashtra (Tirutaṟāṭṣa makāṟājaṉ). At the last folio (no 35) there is an information, that this is the last chapter of Mahābhārata titled Tuṟōṉar paṟuvam ("The Drona chapter"). Folio 36 marked with another title on the left margin: Nālu mantiri katai ("The Tale of the Four Ministers"), faintly coloured text, folios 44-47 without the piḷḷaiyārcuḻi sign.
3. Additionally, the manuscript contains folios marked with numbers: 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, a folio without a number marked with the title Mutalāva(ru)tu patmāvatikkatai ("The First Tale of Padmavati") on the left margin, and a folio without a number containing several lines of indistinct text. Folios 2 and 4 probably belong to the collection "Vampire Tales" and constitute the initial part of the frame story, in which the sage Cāntacilar visits the king Vikramaditya and asks him to bring a vampire from the cremation ground. The remaining folios contain excerpts from the first story in the “Vampire Tales” collection, i.e. Mutalāva(ru)tu patmāvatikkatai ("The First Story of Padmawati").
4. 39 folios, numbers 2-39 on the left margins, folio 1 without a number (title page), folios 29 and 38 are missing; titles on the left margins: Muṉṟāvatu piṟāmaṇappiḷḷaikkatai ("The Third Tale of the Son of a Brahmin), Ṉālāvatu ñāṉakatai (" The Fourth Tale of Wisdom"). The texts belong to a collection of tales known as Vētāḷakkatai ("Vampire Tales", cf. Babington 1831), which is the Tamil version of the Sanskrit collection Vetālapañcaviṃśatika ("[Collection of] Twenty-Five Vampire [Tales]"), existing in several versions (see Penzer 1926, 225-294; Penzer 1927, 199-270). The individual tales begin with a reference to the frame story in which the vampire (vētaḷam) narrates various stories to the king Vikramaditya (Vikkiramātittaṉ) at the cremation site.
palm leaves
5 × 25 × 20 cm
India (Tamil Nadu)

Babington, B.G. (transl.). 1831. The Vedala Cadai. In: Ibn al-din al- Agwati; Hodgson, Brian Houghton et al. Miscellaneous Translations from Oriental Languages, vol. 1.,
Penzer, N. M. (ed.) 1926. The Ocean of Story, being C.H. Tawney's Translation of Somadeva's Kathā Sarit Sāgara, vol. VI. London: Chas. J. Sawyer. ,
Penzer, N. M. (ed.) 1927. The Ocean of Story, being C.H. Tawney's Translation of Somadeva's Kathā Sarit Sāgara, vol. VII. London: Chas. J. Sawyer.
public domain